1 week to go

Sunday 28th May 2017

Very nearly there, final week of serious training done. This week I have cycled 206 miles over 5 rides and climbed 3,024 vertical meters in the process. Wednesdays CTC ride alone was 72 miles and 1,039 meters climbed. During this coming week I shall just be doing 2 or 3 gentler rides to keep the legs working.

The closer I get to the ride the more I seem to be worrying that the training has not been enough. It is only once the ride starts will I know for sure but I am certain that I have not been as fit as I am now for a great many years.

Peak Tours have been in touch with the final route notes and satnav files. Once these have been printed and the Garmin devise loaded it will all ready to go.

I will do a “0 weeks to go”  blog next Friday then hopefully a daily blog for the adventure as it unfolds.

All I have to do now is pack my bag and check that I have every thing I need and it all works.

2 weeks to go

Nearly there, very close to the Grand Depart (Tour de France term). Another good week on the training front with 125 miles and 2,031 meters climbed. The climbs included 3 times up to Ditcham Park School, at the top of the South Downs, which is a 100 meter climb over 1 mile. See picture below for proof I did it – quite some view from the school playing fields. The picture was taken by one of the teachers that lives up there and had just come back from a ride – every ride he does ends with this climb.

This next week will be my last for full on training before the ride so I will try to do better than this week. I have to say that I am very pleased with were my fitness is now.

Need to start thinking about what to take with me and start collecting it all together. Probably need to cover all types of weather – we are going to Scotland in mid summer.

Weight still going down but still overweigh according to the NHS website.

Last week I mentioned the new mirror (the third so far) so I am pleased to  report that it works very well.

Really getting excited about the adventure now.

3 weeks to go

Sunday 14th May 2017

Where does the time go – 3 weeks today I will be on my way to John O’Grotes.

Training still going very well 4 rides this week covering 151 miles and 1641 meters climbed. More miles than last week but less climbing as the CTC ride was along the coast not up the South Downs. I am still very pleased with where I am on the fitness front. Next 2 weeks will have more climbing as that is the area that will give most benefit on the ride.

Regular readers may remember that I was very excited with 9 weeks to go about my new mirror. Well bad news this week it broke. I think it would cost more than the £1.73 that I paid for it to send it back to China. Therefor I have invested in a new one see picture below.

This one is on the down tube and you look between your legs to see what is behind. Not to sure about this one but will give it a go, can always revert to the one that attached to my glasses.

Nothing much else to report this week, I just keep getting more excited about the challenge to come.