12 weeks to go

Sunday 12th March 2017

Training not so good this week, poor excuses include – weather and 65th birthday. First training target missed but it was my birthday – will try very hard not to miss any more. The weather is not now a very good excuse as I have spent some of the Wiggle vouchers I got for my birthday on a new Goretex jacket and some gloves and waterproof trousers. Will give the new gear a trial run this week – bound to be a wet day.

Weeks to go  Target      Achieved

Week 20         6 hours.      6 hours

Week 19          7 hours      7.5 hours

Week 18          7 hours      8.5 hours

Week 17          8 hours       8 hours

Week 16          9 hours.      9 hours

Week 15        10 hours       10.5 hours

Week 14        10 hours       10 hours

Week 13         100 miles    91 miles (55 road & 36 turbo trainer)

Week 12.        110 miles

Week 11         120 miles

Week 10.        130 miles

Still no discount advance booking train tickets to Penzance but they must be available this week.

Weight loss slowed down this week again – blame birthday night out at the Indian. Still noticing good improvements on the rides I did last week and put a lot down to weight loss.

Next big target is the New Forest sportive on Saturday 8th April – 82 miles. This happens in the week 9 to go so will do some longer rides in weeks 10 & 9.

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