14 weeks to go

Sunday 26th February 2017

Training has gone almost to plan this week with 10 1/2 hours completed. Unfortunately only one outing on the bike due to storm Doris and the high winds that seem to be around all week. After next week I will have less excuse for not going out as the gym membership stops on Tuesday. This week I shall set the next few weeks targets based on miles to ride not hours completed. One thing that was always a bit of a worry with increasing activity levels, as I have, is the increased risk of injury. So far no problems, in fact the reverse in that the knee that used to pay up occasionally has been good – touch wood that I have not put the mockers on that.

Weeks to go  Target      Achieved

Week 20         6 hours      6.5 hours (5.5 hours gym & 1 hour bike)

Week 19          7 hours      7.5 hours (6 hours gym & 1.5 hours bike)

Week 18          7 hours      8.5 hours (2.5 in the gym & 6 on the bike)

Week 17          8 hours       8 hours ( all in the gym)

Week 16          9 hours.      9 hours (5.5 in the gym & 3.5 on the bike)

Week 15        10 hours       10.5 hours (8.5 gym & 2 on the bike)

Week 14        10 hours

Weight loss was the big topic last week and I am pleased to report that good progress has been made this week. Kirsteen and I have both started a more planned diet which we have managed to stick to and  both lost weight. I lost about 4 pounds so the target of one and a half stone (9.5 kgs for the post decimalisation generation) by the start of May is back on course.

The cheap advance booking rail fares for the start of June should appear this week so I will keep an eye on that.

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