18 weeks to go

Sunday 29th January 2017

Here we are 2 weeks into the formal build up to the epic ride to Scotland. Training has gone well this week as shown below:-

Weeks          Target      Achieved

Week 20         6 hours      6.5 hours (5.5 hours gym & 1 hour bike)

Week 19          7 hours      7.5 hours (6 hours gym & 1.5 hours bike)

Week 18          7 hours

Week 17          8 hours

Week 16          9 hours

Week 15        10 hours

Week 14        10 hours

If the weather is going to be OK I hope to go for a ride with the Cycle Touring Club to Littlehampton on Wednesday. It will probably be about 65 miles in about 5 hours riding – nice long café stops. The course should be relatively flat so should be a good indication as to where we are with general fitness.

Weight has started to come down, lost about 4 pound in the past 2 weeks. This is about the rate that I would like to lose over the next 4 weeks.

I’ve been looking into the train trips needed to get to Penzance for the start and Inverness to Dunfirmline at the end. It seems that to get the cheaper advance fares it needs to be done after the start of March. The main worry is that there don’t seem to be a great number of places for bikes on most services so I need to get in quick.

Next update next weekend.

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