7 weeks to go

Sunday 16th April

Not a very good week for reaching this week’s target of 120 miles including 3 hours of hill repetitions. Achieved just 70 miles on 3 rides but with 928 meters of climbing. The bike service on Tuesday ran into Wednesday which resulted in missing the CTC ride, good news is that the bike is working very well. Also I had forgotten that this weekend is Easter so other things took presidence over riding a bike. Yesterdays 40 mile ride was very good and made up for missing out during the week.

Weeks to go.   Target       Achieved

Week 19          7 hours      7.5 hours

Week 18          7 hours      8.5 hours

Week 17          8 hours       8 hours

Week 16          9 hours.      9 hours

Week 15        10 hours       10.5 hours

Week 14        10 hours       10 hours

Week 13         100 miles    91 miles

Week 12.        110 miles    132 miles – 1975 meters of climbing.

Week 11         120 miles    84 miles – 1001 meters climbing.

Week 10.        130 miles   130 miles – 1425 meters of climbing

Week 9           140 miles   152 miles – 1,339 meters of climbing

Week 8           120 miles   70 miles – 928 meters of climbing

Week 7            120 miles with 3 hours Hill reps

Not much else happened this week. I changed the pannier rack and bag for a lighter large saddle bag – picture below.

New saddle bag

As on the big ride all my luggage will be taken ahead all I need to carry can be in the two bags on the bike now.

Weight still coming down but only by 1 pound this week. More rides this week should help with the weight but I am not going to stress about it.

Only 7 weeks to go is motivation enough to get out and ride this week. CTC ride this week has a number of hills so, hopefully, I will go on that. Other rides this week will consentrate on hills.


One thought on “7 weeks to go

  1. 7 weeks to go…Now it’s getting serious..Must factor all those May bank holidays in to schedule! Keep up the training and you’ll crack The Ride with ease…

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