9 weeks to go

  • Sunday 2nd April 2017

Last week was very good for training, achieved the target miles with 4 rides. Last Sunday 28 miles round Rowlands Castle, Monday 23 miles up Old Winchester Hill, Wednesday 66 miles to Arundel with the CTC and finally 13 miles yesterday to complete the target. You may remember that in the blog for 11 weeks to go I was moaning about 4 short climb at between 10% and 13 %. This weeks CTC ride found a climb at 18% for about 150 meters, I thought my heart was going to pop out my chest.

This weeks target is for 140 miles which should be completed with the CTC ride on Wednesday and the New Forest sportive on Saturday. I have now added hill repetitions (riding up a hard hill then rolling down and climbing the same hill again & again) to the target, 3 hours of this in the coming week.

Weeks to go.   Target       Achieved

Week 19          7 hours      7.5 hours

Week 18          7 hours      8.5 hours

Week 17          8 hours       8 hours

Week 16          9 hours.      9 hours

Week 15        10 hours       10.5 hours

Week 14        10 hours       10 hours

Week 13         100 miles    91 miles

Week 12.        110 miles    132 miles – 1975 meters of climbing.

Week 11         120 miles    84 miles – 1001 meters climbing.

Week 10.        130 miles   130 miles – 1425 meters of climbing

Week 9           140 miles + 3 hours of hill repetitions

Week 8           120 miles + 4 hours of hill repetitions

Week 7            120 miles + 4 hours of hill repetitions

Weight is still coming down with 1 stone 2 pounds lost since 1st January.

Final part of the train ticket saga has now been completed. The Inverness to Inverkeithing with bike ticket was purchased on Friday – no more getting up at the crack of dawn to look on the Scotrail website. I still can’t get over the prices of the tickets I have bought – Cosham to Penzance £15.50 and now for the trip to Inverkeithing (150 miles) is just £14.70. Maybe I should do the whole trip by train!

The recovery drinks that I was trying out last week certainly make a difference after a long hard ride. In the  past my legs always felt twitchy after a long ride that does not seem to happen after a recovery drink. The only problem to remember to take the drink as for best results it should be within 30 minutes of finishing the ride.

Purchase of the week:-

Found a bar bag that fits my bars which should make it easier to eat on the move and put on rain jacket if we get a sudden rain shower. Picture below:-

The second great purchase is a mirror. For the past few months I have been using a mirror attached to the leg of my glasses, picture below

This has worked very well but is a bit distracting and has a blind spot when you turn right. The new mirror has been delivered all the way from China and including the delivery has cost a staggering £1.73 – how can they do that?

Used it on the ride to Arundel last Wednesday and it is very good, even in the rain it gave a clear view of what was going on behind.

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