Day 10 Moffat – Kinross


Tuesday 13th June 2017


 10 days in and only 4 to go – where has it all gone. I am having trouble trying to remember places, hotels and sights we have seen into which day they occurred. Before I started I bought a small note book with the intention of writing down every thing each day. Unfortunately the book was destroyed in the rain on Dartmoor and I have not been able to get another.

A couple of things I forgot in yesterdays blog.

We had a great meal last night at the Star Hotel in Moffat which is in the Guinness Book of Records as the narrowest hotel in the world –  see picture below.

The narrowest hotel in the world and great food.

The second thing was a part of the road that went on for about 2 miles. It had a series of shortish, very steep declines with very steep inclines straight after. The games was to peddle as fast as you could down hill to see if you could get up the other side without peddling. This happened about 30 times and it felt like a fair ground ride.

Today was a long ride of 81 miles starting with a 6 mile up hill, not to steep then a great 6 mile down hill. The guides had said that this first part of today had fabulous views but all we could see was mist.

The first high light of the day was to ride through Edinburgh which took us past lots of the famous sites. Concentration was the key point here as there were cars every where, traffic lights and tourists just walking out into the road. The cycle lanes and off road routes were very good.

The second high point was the Forth Road Bridge. After some confusion about how to get onto it I found myself about to cross the bridge. Ahead was a lunatic on a mountain bike heading straight for me. At the last moment I realised it was Craig, our  nephew, who had come to show me the new way across the bridge. So we rode together and waiting for us at the brew stop was his middle son Christopher and Christopher’s girl friend Niamh. This evening all three, plus youngest son Sam, joined me for dinner which made me feel very happy.

Craig and I on the bridge.

Thank you all for the comments to the blog – it’s nice to know it is being well received. I have had  some complaints about speeling and gramma but in my defence I am writing this after a long day of riding, just before bed time and my English has always been rubbish.


Todays stats:-

81 miles

1,098 meters upward

7 hours 01 minutes riding

11.54 average mph


Ride to date:-

694 miles

61 hours 39 minutes

12,515 meters climbed.


6 thoughts on “Day 10 Moffat – Kinross

  1. Good work mate and don’t worry about your Engrish ?

    Glad Craig and the boys met you today.

    Proud of you


  2. How lovely to see you and Craig on the bridge. Nearly there Martin and the views from here on in should be amazing. Take care and see you on Sunday. X

  3. For those who want to complain about spelling or grammar, just have them do LEJOG, then we’ll see.

    I can’t wait to read your assessment of the next two day’s rides….but I won’t spoil the surprise. (Ex Lejoger with Peak…two years ago….and it rained and blew wind then as much as your blog says it does now.)

    Congrats on all the work you’ve done so far, it’s true people don’t quite understand how absolutely grueling the ride is.

    1. Chris glad to hear you are following the blog. It is very hard but Peak Tours seem to have every thing covered. The spelling comment was just a fun remark to my wife – nothing serious.

  4. On IOW last night, eating at the Follies so only just commenting now – only 3 1/2 days left! You are doing amazingly well, really do appreciate how gruelling it is and you’re within spitting distance now. All power to your pedals!!!

  5. Well done Martin, managed to get your Blog address from Kirsty prior to her departing to Warrington. Great reading, rather you than me ,but “Champers” ready in Waterlooville.

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