Day 12 Ballater – Inverness

Thursday 15th June 2017


By contrast to yesterday I woke this morning full of beans, Legs felt good and was looking forward to the days tough ride through the highlands of Scotland. After a good breakfast we all meet up in the centre of Ballater for the ride.

I set off near the back of the group after messing about with the bike bag straps. The sun was shining it was going to be a good day. All changed for me after 3 mile when I reach the first small incline in the road and ran out of breath very quickly. The next small incline confirmed that all was not as it should be and I stopped at the side of the road for a rest. The riding guide for the day, Hamish, come up and we talked for awhile and I made the decision to go in the brew van to the first brew stop at 12 miles.

Things did not improve with the result that I spent the whole day in the van and did not ride any further just helped at the brew stops. Every one has been very supportive and agreeing that I was making the right decision.

It has now become apparent to me that this is not going to get better over the next couple of days. As the tour is moving ever northwards to the wilds of Scotland I am going to leave the tour tomorrow morning.

This is not an easy decision but I think it is for the best in the long term. Who knows one day I may be back to do the last 3 days to John O’Groats. I am Immensely pleased with the way things had gone up to this point and think, that for an old geezer, I had performed very well.

All I can really add is “that it is better to have tried and failed than to never have tried at all”

 Todays stats:-

3 Miles

20 meters

14 minutes

Total for tour:-

780 miles – 219 short of John O’Groats.

14,139 meters climbed

68 hours 49 minutes in the saddle.

15 thoughts on “Day 12 Ballater – Inverness

  1. Your comment at the end of the blog is so appropriate Martin. Be very proud of yourself as is everyone else. Best thing was to realise you were going no further and for your health’s sake that was a very wise decision. See you when you get back. Xx

  2. You did not fail! It has been a tremendous achievement – 780 miles with poor weather conditions, lots of hills, but you kept on going. Absolutely fabulous – look forward to seeing you and hearing all about it xx

  3. Martin, you’ve done amazingly well and should be very proud of yourself as we all are of you.
    Looking forward to seeing you and hearing more about your experiences. xx

  4. Oh mate what a bugger. Things were going so well. Still, if the body isn’t happy then you have to listen. You have made the right call…780 miles, 20 counties, 3 countries is a serious expedition achievement! Well done…smashing…cu soon…

  5. Much love from Sheri and Ali in Southampton – you did much better than we ever would and you have not failed in our eyes! xxx

  6. Ohh Martin. So sorry you couldn’t complete your last couple of days, but absolutely the right decision to listen to your body. You have done so fantastically well and we are very proud of you. Have a good rest and we look forward to seeing you when you get home. Much love xxx

  7. We are so proud of what you have achieved Martin. You were right to recognise that your well being had to come first. You can sit back and be proud of yourself for doing something that most of us couldn’t aspire to. Relax now and enjoy your break with Kirsteen. Lots of love Laraine & Pete

  8. Really sorry you got so close to achieving your life time ambition but definitely right to stop while the going was good. We are proud of you dear friend. Dont be defeated be proud too x

  9. Sorry for you Martin, but so proud of what you have achieved, I get out of breath walking to Waterlooville centre, feel gutted for you so near and so close. Well Done Champers still awaiting your arrival home

  10. Hi Martin, congratulations on your 12 day adventure, and as you rightly said, being immensely pleased with your personal achievement. We have been following your blog with great interest and enjoyed summaries of your daily progress and experiences. Your dedication to the whole adventure has been commendable and we are very proud of you, and looking forward to seeing you when you get back, love Pete and Sue x

  11. Martin, I have only just started reading your blog and am very impressed that that you even considered undertaking such a mammoth task. You did all the right preparation and have started each day with such a positive outlook. Your 12 day adventure is a wonderful achievement and as you say for an old geezer you have performed brilliantly. From one old geezer to another I am full of admiration.

    1. Thanks Clive.
      Glad you enjoyed the blog. It’s a shame I did not quite make the end but maybe I will come back next year and finish the job.
      Best regards Martin

  12. Well done Martin – 780miles in 11 days without a break is impressive – especially for an ‘old geezer’. I didn’t realise you have kept yourself so fit. It sounded like a great trip and a great way of doing it. I hope you are enjoying the weather now in Scotland. See you soon. Adey (and Roz)

  13. Just read through your blog Martin and bloody awesome, unbelieveable achievement.
    Those stats at the bottom of each day may not mean a lot to a non-cyclist but 11 mph average along flat roads isn’t simple let alone doing it day in day out, over 100 plus miles up and down hills with crap weather is immense!!!
    Better to set a challenge that tests yourself to the complete limit and “just” fall short than do something that’s a piece of piss. I’m not just saying this but I’m actually inspired to set myself some more fitness challenges because of your determination and not rest on my “Ironman” achievement last year (which was only 112 miles on the bike, easy for you…haha).
    P.s. I went up that Ditcham park road twice last year while training….its brutal!!!!

    Massive well done Martin, and I look forward to the next challenge.??????????????☺☺

  14. Hi Martin,

    I have been following your blog intermittently while away on holiday and have just caught up with your endeavours. A fantastic achievement, your energy and determination are an inspiration.

    Keep on cycling !!!

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