Day 9 Penrith – Moffat

Monday 12th June 2017


Well this has been a tough day. Before we started it looked to be one of the easier days with just 2 climbs, one at each end of the day,  that are both long but not very steep.

After breakfast we all meet up and were introduced to a new rider, Ros, she had done the ride before but was injured near Penrith so has joined us to complete her LEJOG now.

All was good up until lunch at Gretna. Progress was good and the weather was good – even shining at times. After lunch is was a different story as the winds got up and were generally blowing from the directions we were travelling in. All of sudden even gentle climbs become monsters in fact at one time I was struggling in a low gear and looked at my satnav that revealed that I was actually going down a quite steep slope. It also rained on and off for most of the afternoon, so it was rain jackets on then off then on again. All in all we were pleased to reach Moffat.

Tonight we are all going out to eat together at a local hotel which will give an opportunity to talk to some riders that I have yet to speak to.

Me at the border control. Who wants my passport?


I had this picture taken to quash any suggestions that I was not actually doing this ride. Some have thought that I am staying in my office at the end of the garden and pretending to do this trip and writing the blog from there.

To days stats:-

71 miles

786 meters climbed

6 hours 31 minutes

Average speed 10.83 – strong head winds.


Ride totals:-

613 Miles

11,417 meters climbed

54 hours 38 minutes ridden.

5 thoughts on “Day 9 Penrith – Moffat

  1. Sounds really difficult this afternoon, sure you were relieved to reach Moffat – well done. Hope you all enjoy your well deserved dinner tonight. Really hoping tomorrow is kinder weather-wise, winds are dropping down here, perhaps for you too! All power to your pedals xx

  2. Sounds like a really difficult day today but at least you are now in God’s own country, in Scotland. Things will improve from now on. Enjoy your day tomorrow and have a good night with Craig . Xx

  3. Well we can vouch you are not in your office!! Absolutely amazing what you’ve achieved so far, really enjoying your blogs. Enjoy your ride across the Scottish countryside. Love from the Rodd’s. X

  4. Keep going Martin you’ve almost cracked it. Hope the winds die down or at least give you a helping push. I hope you’ve been applying your ‘skin so soft’ to keep the midges away.

  5. Have just caught up on your last few days. What a fantastic experience you are having, and you are doing so well. You certainly seem to be getting a variety of weather thrown at you. We hope the rain stays away for the rest of your journey and that the winds are gentle and warm. You are doing so well. Vic and Jean

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